Friday, August 15, 2014

Mindful of living in the Moment

Living in the Moment 

We are  taught and there fore conditioned to plan ahead (not that we do that very well)
We frequently find ourselves re-living the past.

How to be present in the moment is where joy and peace can be found

Today I will BE MINDFUL TO  embrace the moment 

Slap on a big Smile

Count your blessing and be thankful

Trust in His Word
Have Faith He Cares for you

Control your Thoughts…. It's truly the only thing you can really Control
Live in Faith not Fear
Capture your Thoughts and center them In what is True

MINDFULNESS or being with your thoughts as they are. living for the moment by practicing mindfulness reduces stress, boosts your immune system, lowers blood pressure and has other beneficial physical and mental effects.   mindful people are more secure, have higher self-esteem and are happier.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Breath of Life

                   Did you know you can't talk while taking in a Breath?  

Did you know that when you are Stressed, worried or feeling anxious you are breathing Shallow?  Which increases the feelings of stress, anxiety, worry and irritability.... and even anger.

Here is Mom's Advise about what to do when your really stressed out, feeling anxious, feeling worried or out of control about life......


1.  Stand with Arms Raised above your head

2. Close your eye's and take in a deep breath through your nose 

3.  Then Drop open your mouth - RELAXING THE JAW and Sing.. AHHHHHHHHH 
while slowly dropping your arms to your side

Feel your shoulders drop  as you relax your arms .... 

Do this 3 to 7 times !  


Think   as you breathe in through your nose that....  you are BREATHING IN PURE Energy that is filled with the Presence of  our  powerful loving Lord 

Think   as you release your breath ... you are RELEASING the TOXIC energy of frustration, anxiety, worry, stress and or any "negative" feelings you may have.

You will become
 relaxed peaceful    

This will  increases the Oxygen in your  Brain cells ( Thinking)  and Heart  cells (Emotions).  Every Cell in your Body needs Oxygen to properly function. 

Genesis 2:7

 Then the Lord God made man from the dust of the ground. And He breathed into his nose the breath of life. Man became a living being.

Maybe, just maybe this is why we are to "raise our hands" and praise the Lord!

As we raise our hands and SPEAK words of Praise  it changes how we are breathing!   Just a thought  

Here is my "Moments by Mom" for you 

When the Devil wants to rob you  of peace and joy by  sending a
 thought your way of "what you don't have"

Give God the Praise by 
"that you do have" to be grateful for 

It's a lot like I use to make you kids do when you said something "not nice" to each other.  You then had to say your sorry by saying 3 NICE things about the person.

Words are powerful
Thoughts are powerful

So, when you view your life of what "other's have" that you do not have... this is a sin.
Because you've taken the focus off what God has blessed you with and coveted what someone else has.

I know, I know it's very painful at times to watch others have "successful lives".  But, it's your choice  to change  your want to what you have not what you do not have.  
got it, get it ... good.  

When you only "want" more of Christ in you ... When you only "want" to be his vessel his light on this earth... When you want to over flow with His Love...
He will GIVE YOU BEYOND what You can even asked for or think of ! 

I think those pimples will disappear when you start "thanking God" for what you have and what opportunities God has blessed you with.  

Really,  I absoulty believe  our  skin is a reflection of our soul.   

Much Love
sweet dreams

Eat your Breakfast - Food for your SOUL - Eat for Success - Wake UP!

Feeding the Soul is as important as feeding your Face!

Wake up and Open up the most powerful antioxidant vitamin rich food there is for your soul - The Bible.  

It is LIVING food for your soul.

His Word taken in enters into your mind and then fills your heart with the strength, fortitude and wisdom you'll need to face your day.

Eat UP